We're going to look at mentoring from a unique perspective and see if we can find solutions for some of the common challenges. At the end we going to have a deeper understanding of what really matters when it comes to mentorship.

When you close your eyes and focus on your thoughts, what comes to mind? This is your current state of belief. How does it make you feel?

Our beliefs have been ingrained within us from very early on in life, whether it being from the society, culture, or based on our own experiences. These beliefs CAN be transformed into whatever you want, regardless of what has occurred in the past.
Step 1 is to know and except this TRUTH. Because whatever you choose to believe becomes your truth!

Do you ever feel like you are always chasing time? As if there is so much to do and just not enough time? Believe it or not, there is always time for everything we want. We tend to make time for what holds importance for us. It's time to rethink our BELIEF about time.
Step 2 is to choose to build a healthy relationship with time, beginning with appreciating all we are and all we have in the PRESTENT time.

Mentorship is about building trust and respect, improving communications, helping and supporting and forming sustainable partnership and relationship. But if you don't have trust within yourself or respect yourself enough or have honest and transparent communication with yourself and have a healthy relationship with your own self, how do you expect to build all this with someone else? You can't possibly pour from an empty jar.
Step 3 is to re-define mentorship beginning with being your own mentor.

Essentially, mentorship is about creating meaningful experiences. Once you are filled within yourself you are now in a position to effectively build it with another person. Whether you are looking for a mentor or you are preparing yourself to offer mentorship, understanding that every experience is about building a connection.
Step 4 is put yourself in practice.

No matter at what stage in life you are, it is important to understand that you can always make yourself available to mentor someone, even if you are the one receiving mentorship from someone else. It doesn't require a specific strategy, rather is an understanding between two people to guide, coach and empower, where one person gives, and the other person receives.
Step 5 is to always be open to learning something new in the process of growing and evolving, both as a mentor and as a mentee.

Lastly, mentorship is a 2-way commitment where both parties are equally invested. It's a shared interest to show up, a balanced partnership to build trust, and a healthy boundary between giving and receiving knowledge and wisdom. Ultimately, it all starts with you, regardless of the role you play.