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How Happy Are You Doing What You Do?

Writer's picture: RakhiRakhi

Our core purpose on this earth as humans is to help and serve others. The world has been revolving around this phenomenon for as long as we can remember. Anything and everything we do is to make lives better for others in some way or form. It doesn’t matter if you are a doctor, an engineer, a businessman, a server at a restaurant or farmer or a non-profit organization. The way this world revolves and evolves is because we are serving our purpose. It is then, as a reward, we earn a certain currency that fulfills our needs, wants and desires.

As an individual, it is super important to choose a life path that connects you with your true purpose. What is it that ignites the passion within you? Once you have clarity on this, the universe will align your path to get you there. Of course, it requires effort on your part to design your vision and mission and a plan of action, but this way, the step to achieve your goal become a lot smoother and easier to attain.

You see, one of the ways we tend to screw up this natural system of the universe is when we make the REWARD our only goal, and choose our purpose based on what we expect to get out of it. It’s the attitude of “what’s in it for me?” When we make judgements from this place, we misalign ourselves, which leaves us unsatisfied, unhappy, confused and more absorbent to “problems” in life. We then tend to make our “problems” our focus which results in declining feeling, which is equal to a frequency that spirals down.

Our brains have been hard wired to function this way for decades and generation after generation, we pass this cluttered information that has been stored in our genes onto the next generation. This continues to build up that “spiraling down” negative frequency, which if left unacknowledged, at one point in life results in eruption of submerged emotions. These often show up as defensiveness, anger, frustration, judgmental mentality, ego, fear, doubts, grudges, insecurity, inability to forgive, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and more piling up of problems. All too often it isn’t until we hit mid-life crisis to experience this and begin to question our existence on this earth.

In efforts to find answers, we start to label all this as “karma” of our own doing, which makes us feel worse about ourselves and the cycle of spiraling down energy keeps on repeating and repeating, until life throws something so drastic on our face just to wake us up. And then, we “learn a lesson,” and begin to follow a path of righteousness.

But here is the thing - even when we start taking actions towards the right path, we are still doing it from a place of our “unhealed” self. And because we are not in tune with our own subconscious, we feel as if no matter how much effort we put into taking those “right” actions the results just don’t show up as we’d expect them to. And once again the cycle of doubts, insecurities, judgements, ego, difficulties, and stress continues to “spiral.” Some of us keep going despite it all by masking our insecurities, pretending that we are happy and better than others; while others simply give up on life and sink in the loophole of depression, which is now, next to impossible to get out of and can only be sustained with the help of external stimulants.

It's time to break this vicious cycle and come to our natural state of our purpose for which we were put on this earth. It all starts with you and NOT by anyone else around you. As it has been said, "you cannot expect others to change; but you can only change you." Once we accept that, it’s time to clear out the garbage of decades of misleading information that has been stored in our genes. It’s time to regenerate our cells and alchemize ourselves from inside out, so we can create room for new information that will allow us to grow and will bring us back at the right stage of evolution. And that essentially will clear and/or align our path to our unique core purpose and hence will leave this world a better place.

Before we even get to the step-by-step procedure of clearing, alchemizing and shifting our reality, one factor to remember is the goal of our soul is to FEEL happy. It’s the true inner feeling of happiness that connects us with our highest self and then to the higher universal power via high vibrational frequencies. It’s important to note that if we don’t reach that level of happiness, it is okay and remember to be patient and gentle with ourselves. What’s more important is to be aware of our state and allow it all to recalibrate naturally, without forcing or trying to control the process. Practicing this method strengthens our belief system. And it’s our BELIEF that connects us to our future vision. Lastly, just like practicing physical exercise builds and tones the body, doing the mental exercise shapes and structures our mind and soul, and hence our whole self. And once our whole self has been polished and refined, the energies emanating from within us begin to inflict on to others which start to create a back-and-forth flow of current. That current or vibrations opens up opportunities for wealth, success, healthy relationships, health and all that you truly desire. The flow allows us to give more and receive more.

To conclude, if doing what you do brings you complete pure happiness in all areas of life, you are certainly serving your purpose. If you feel friction over and over again, you have some thinking to do!

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